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International / Regional Research and Capacity Building Projects

Over the last ten years GCISC has actively participated in number of collaborative international / regional research and capacity building projects, playing the lead role in several of them as outlined below:

On-going Projects:

  1. GIZ-SAR project (2023):  Strengthening Climate Adaptation and Resilience (SAR) project aims at improving the prerequisites for climate change adaptation and climate risk management with a specific focus on women and vulnerable communities;
  2. World Bank Air Project (2023):  Regional Air Quality Management Plan Project Support cost-effective Air Quality Management (AQM) planning in Punjab Province and Pakistan as part of the South Asia Regional Indo-Gangetic Plain air quality region, working with IIASA and World Bank;
  3. TNC project (2022):  Pakistan’s 3rd National Communication on climate change project under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC), Government of Pakistan;
  4. GIZ-CITEPA-GCISC (2021):  Development of MRV platform for Greenhouse Gas Inventory management System;
  5. GIZ-CITEPA-GCISC (2021):  Development of Monitoring and evaluation Platform for adaptation tracking in Agriculture;
  6. GCF- FAO Project:  Transforming the Indus Basin with Climate Resilient Agriculture and Climate-Smart Water Management;
  7. FAO-SDG: Monitoring of SDG Indicators 6.4.1 and 6.4.2;
  8. Pak-BUR1: Pakistan’s First Biennial Update Report on climate change project under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC), Government of Pakistan
  9. FWO: GLOF and Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Study for FWO Hydropower Projects in Chitral;
  10. APN Project: Towards robust projects of climate extremes and adaptation plans over South Asia (participation countries- Bangladesh, China, Nepal and Pakistan as Lead)
  11. APN Project: Climate smart agriculture through sustainable water use management: Exploring new approaches and devising strategies for climate change adaptation in South Asia (CAF2015-RR12-NMY-Shaheen). Participating countries: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Cambodia. Lead Organization: GCISC, Pakistan.

Completed Projects:

  1. Pak-SNC (2017-19). Pakistan’s Second National Communication (Pak-SNC) on climate change project under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC), Government of Pakistan;
  2. FAO (2018/19): Development of Food Security and Nutrition Information System (FSNIS)/Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS) for Pakistan;
  3. FAO, R-SMOG Project (2018/19): Remote sensing for Spatio-temporal mapping of smog in Punjab and identification of the underlying causes using GIS techniques (R-SMOG);
  4. FAO (2018): Project on the Preparation of Background papers for GCF project proposal ‘Transforming of the Indus Basin with the Introduction of Climate Resilient Agriculture and Sustainable Water Management’ awarded to GCISC by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Pakistan;
  5. LEAD-Pak (2018): Understanding Joint Water-Climate Change Challenge and Exploring Policy Options for Cooperation on the Afghan-Pak Transboundary Kabul River Basin;
  6. CfRN-RRR+ (2017-18): Strengthening of GHG inventory for Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use (AFOLU) Sector under Coalition for Rainforest Nations (CfRN) technical support under reporting for Results Based REDD+;
  7. LEAD-Pak (2017): Using water resources systems analysis to guide transboundary Kabul River water partnership;
  8. APN Project (2017-18):  Improving Skills for Promoting Sustainable Watershed Management Practices in South Asia.
  9. Pak-INDC (2016/17): Preparation of Pakistan’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions to the 2015 agreement under United Nations Framework convention on Climate Change with the support of United Nations Environment programme.
  10. APN Project: Assessment of Food and Water Security in South Asia using Crop Simulation and Water Management Model, and appropriate strategies to meet future demand (2008-2013). Participating countries: Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Lead Organisation: GCISC, Pakistan.
  11. APN Project: Impacts of global change on the dynamics of snow, glaciers, and runoff over the Himalayan Mountains and their consequences for Highland and downstream regions (2008-2010). Participating countries: Pakistan, Nepal, China and India. Lead Organisation: Institute for Development & Innovation (IDI), Nepal.
  12. APN Project: Runoff scenario and water based adaptation strategies in South Asia (2013-2015). Participating countries: Pakistan, Bangladesh Nepal and India. Lead Organisation: The Small Earth Nepal (SEN), Nepal.
  13. APN Project: Assessing Spatiotemporal Variability of NPP, NEP and Carbon Sinks of Global Grassland Ecosystem in Response to Climate Change in 1911-2011 (2013-2015). Participating countries: Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia and China. Lead Organization: Nanjing University, China.
  14. IFPRI (2011/12): Impacts of Climate change on water and food in Pakistan study sponsored by International Food Policy Research Institute, USA.
  15. PFI (2011/12): Development of National Response Strategy to Combat Impact of Climate Change on Forests of Pakistan
  16. APN Project: Improving Policy Responses to Interactions between Global Environmental Change and Food Security across Indo-Gangetic Plains (2006-2009). Participating countries: Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. Lead Organization: Nepal Water Conservation Foundation (NWCF), Nepal.
  17. GECAFS Project: Basin scale analysis of the vulnerability of food systems to global environmental change (2005-2006). Participating countries: Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh. Lead Organization: Global Environmental Change and Food Security (GECAFS), UK.
  18. UNEP Pilot Project: Information technology (IT) as a tool for information generation and dissemination enabling farmers to cope and optimize management of climate variability and change (2005). Participating countries: Pakistan and India. Lead Organization: The Energy and Resources Institute of India (TERI), India.
  19. APN Project: Development and Application of Climate Extreme Indices and Indicators for Monitoring Trends in Climate Extremes and Their Socio-economic Impacts in South Asian Countries (2005-2009). Participating countries: Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. Lead Organization: GCISC, Pakistan.
  20. APN Project: Enhancement of National Capacities in the Application of Simulation Models for Assessment of Climate Change and its Impacts on Water Resources and Food and Agricultural Production (2003-2007). Participating countries: Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh. Lead Organisation: GCISC in collaboration with PMD, Pakistan.
  • 21 September, 2024

The climate change courses, developed collaboratively by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany, the University of Kassel, Germany, GCISC, and GIZ, have been uploaded on the GCISC website. The details can be found under the "Climate Change Courses" tab.

  • 2 September, 2024

Ms. Aisha Humera Chaudhary's appointment as Secretary of the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination is warmly welcomed by the Centre. Additionally, she will take on the role of Vice-Chair of the GCISC Board of Governors. Under her dynamic leadership, GCISC is expected to reach new milestones.

  • 04 April, 2024

The GCISC extends a warm welcome to the Honorable Ms. Romina Khurshid in her new role as the coordinator to the Prime Minister on Climate Change and Environmental Coordination. We are enthusiastic about your dedication to addressing climate change challenges and eagerly anticipate working with your kind support.

GCISC and GIZ jointly organize a workshop to launch National and Provincial Climate Risk Profiles and CLimate Information Resource (CIR) Portal under SAR Project at Ramada Hotel on March 20, 2024.